Business Process Management BIS

An enterprise's business processes provide the most important point of competitive differentiation. The definition and flawless execution of processes enable an organization to provide more competitive products or services, reduce costs, improve customer service, and react quickly to changing market conditions. These internal business processes must be continually scrutinized for bottlenecks and manual inefficiencies.
Business Process Management tools of today allow an organization to completely orchestrate processes, such as Orders-To-Cash, from a business analyst view and a technical design view. Remember that it is not just about routing the documents through your internal system landscape. Solutions need to affect the business flow, not just the technical logic. A complete solution should:

Manages information

BIS 6 automates all of your business processes in a secure, transparent, and cost-efficient way.
  • Exploit process efficiency by giving end users the ability to directly design, manage, monitor, and analyze business processes
  • Handle errors through automatic routing and trigger human interaction
  • Work seamlessly with internal application components as well as external partner scenarios

Manages communications

BIS 6 communicates with any B2B or EDI system. It is guaranteed to learn any new language you need to communicate with future business partners.

Managed time

The automation of manual processes improves the reliability and time efficiency of your daily work flow

Business and technology must work together; they can no longer be viewed as separate entities. Over the past few years, the majority of companies have invested in two distinct areas. The first area concerns the operational processes by which we run our business. The second area is the integration infrastructure that aligns the underlying IT systems. All too often, these were separate initiatives and the Lines of Business would make decisions without the input of the IT organization. Today these groups are aligning to solve the mission critical bottlenecks in their supply chains and overall operations. Business Process Management tools offered by SEEBURGER are capable of accelerating current processes by automating them completely or accelerating tasks which require human intervention.

Manages safety

BIS 6 guarantees the secure and transparent exchange of information within and outside your company.

 Focusing on Core Business

In today's global economy, companies are faced with the challenge of continually improving their ability to get their products and services to market before their competition. It is a well researched fact that the first to market can garner a larger percentage of overall market share. For this reason, many senior executives are looking to outsource core operational functions such as manufacturing, distribution, as well as IT functions such as Business Integration. This allows an organization to focus on what they do well and refine these methodologies down to a science in order to stay ahead of the competition. Organizations often look into outsourcing because:

Manages costs

Automating business processes and consolidating IT systems drastically reduces operating costs.
  •  They don't have the expertise in-house and want to rely on a partner's expertise
  • Solutions, especially business integration technology, are constantly evolving. Instead of trying to keep up with the changes, the partner ensures future compatibility and flexibility
  • Outsourcing can lead to cost savings by taking advantages of a partner's economies of scale



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