
Global Collaboration Meets Seamless Integration
For almost 20 years, SEEBURGER has assisted more than 3,000 automotive organizations, ranging from global OEMs to smaller suppliers, implement state-of-the-art business integration solutions. Today, organizations that are operating in the automotive industry are facing increasing challenges and industry pressures including:

  • Just-In-Time, Just-In-Sequence trading relationships
  • Global expansion as OEMs look to build in multiple regions (i.e. China, South America, India, Korea, etc..)
  • Increasing supply chain visibility (i.e. Inventory Visibility & Interoperability, Vendor Managed Inventory)
  • Electronic initiatives to automate small suppliers who traditionally have not participated in Electronic Document Interchange (EDI)
  • More demanding Supplier Ratings and requirements
  • Cost reductions including communication (i.e. VAN elimination)
  • RFID initiatives for tracking parts and distribution

Benefits of SEEBURGER's Automotive Solution

OEM & Tier 1 Business Packages, ensure that your operations comply with the electronic commerce initiatives of the largest players in the industry including EDI mappings, communications, bar-coding, etc

Reduced inventory levels, with associated cash flow benefits, produced by the availability of up-to-the-minute information along the value chain.

Soulad s průmyslovými standardy, včetně všech zpráv od obchodních partnerů a dalších standardů, včetně ebXML, Common After Market Protocol (CAP), IV & I, STAR normy, atd.

Compliance with Industry Standards, including all trading partner specific messages and additional standards including ebXML, Common After Market Protocol (CAP), IV&I, STAR standards, etc.

Shorter lead times and faster time to market, made possible by the accelerated availability of information to all members of the supply chain.

Automated processing of paper transactions, including faxed documents, through a combination of OCR, artificial intelligence and data validation/exception handling that dramatically reduce manual data entry.

RFID compliance, enabling companies to map, test and implement an RFID compliant infrastructure and process.

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