Finance & Banking

Global Collaboration Meets Seamless Integration

Financial Institutions and Global Banks are actively pursuing activities to make their operations and customer experience more seamless. However, this process requires the integration of hundreds of disparate legacy systems, government regulations, global data standards, and thousands of trading partners.

SEEBURGER provides single platform integration to reduce operating costs, increase trading partner automation, and improve overall customer satisfaction.

SEEBURGER specifically addresses:

Clearing & Funds Transfer - SEEBURGER supports the exchange of business documents via the SWIFT, FIX and ACH standards and networks.

Invoice Reconciliation - Often financial institutions and banks will act as a central payment facility for customer due to the risks associated with collection. Often these organizations will receive thousands of invoices on paper that need to be reconciled and posted to back-end systems for final collection. SEEBURGER offers our 4invoice solution to address the needs of these financial organizations.

Integration Backbone - Organizations need to easily integrate with multiple legacy systems as well as ERP systems.

100% Partner Integration - Organizations must have flexible solutions to automate trading relationships with their supply chain regardless of their technical capabilities. This includes EDI, XML, Web Services, Web Portals, Spoke connectivity, and solutions to process paper and faxes more efficiently.


SEEBURGER's Business Integration Solution (BIS) is the most comprehensive and cost-effective business integration platform in the industry. Designed to cut administrative costs and accelerate business processes by automating trading relationships throughout the supply chain, it is the only middleware solution capable of integrating 100% of an organization's applications and trading partners, including smaller customers and suppliers that still do business on paper.

Document Exchange & Integration - SEEBURGER delivers one platform for EAI, B2B, EDI and Small Trading Partner Integration

Data Transformation & Validation - SEEBURGER delivers solutions to verify data and cross-reference business documents

Business Process Management - SEEBURGER delivers business process and workflow execution

Visibility & Collaboration - SEEBURGER delivers a comprehensive set of solutions to visualize and react to ongoing business processes

Eliminating Paper Processes - SEEBURGER can automate the processing of paper transactions, including faxed documents, through a combination of OCR, artificial intelligence, data validation, and exception handling that dramatically reduces manual data entry

RFID: Data Management - an optional tool for managing RFID data, tags and hardware and integrating data into core systems

Business Process Outsourcing - SEEBURGER can design, implement, host, and manage your entire eBusiness infrastructure

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